Mandate and Functions

The Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE) was created by virtue of Strengthening the DA Agricultural and Fishery Engineering Groups, pursuant to Section 24 of the Republic Act No. 10601 also known as β€œAgricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law”

BAFE is mandated to monitor the implementation of the National Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Plan of the Department of Agriculture.Β Moreover it shall plan, implement, and evaluate the development of agricultural mechanization and infrastructure in the agriculture sector.

BAFE was created as a regular bureau of the DA which shall be under the supervision of the DA Undersecretary and shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

(a) Coordinate, oversee and monitor the national planning and implementation of agri- fisheries engineering, farm-to-market road and other agri-fisheries infrastructure projects;

(b) Assist in the national planning, coordination and implementation of the national agri- fisheries mechanization programs;

(c) Prepare, evaluate, validate and recommend engineering plans, designs and technical specifications on agri-fisheries mechanization and infrastructure projects;

(d) Oversee and provide technical assistance to the operations of the agricultural engineering divisions of the DA regional field units;

(e) Coordinate and integrate all agricultural and fisheries engineering activities of the DA bureaus, attached agencies and corporations;

(f) Coordinate and monitor the enforcement of standards and other regulatory policies on agricultural and fishery engineering;

(g) Implement accreditation and registration scheme for agriculture and fishery machinery, tools and equipment, in coordination with technology generators:

(h) Issue permits to operate to agriculture and fishery tools and equipment manufacturers, fabricators, assemblers and importers; and

(i) Promulgate and implement accreditation guidelines for testing centers.