Compendium of Policies and Issuances on Strengthening of Agricultural Biosystem Engineering


1. LGU GUIDEBOOK : This guidebook aims to provide the necessary information and answers to frequently asked questions on the creation of the Office of Provincial/City/Municipal Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer. It also provides the roles and responsibilities of DA, in particular the BAFE and the Regional Agricultural Engineering Divisions . This will serve as reference by the Local Government Units, in particular the Human Resource Management Officers and the Local Finance Committee in the modification and improvement of their organizational structure and staffing pattern (OSSP) to effectively carry out the devolved functions, ser-vices and facilities. >>Click to display the guidebook.

2. Compendium of Policies on Agricultural Biosystems Engineering :This compendium aims to assist the Local Government Units in strengthening and establishing ABE offices to facilitate the planning and implementation of devolved Agri-fisheries mechanization, irrigation, farm-to-market roads, postharvest facilities and other agricultural infrastructure projects.